On Thu, 1 Apr 2021, Niels Thykier wrote:
> Assuming that the letter from https://rms-support-letter.github.io/ is
> signed by Debian, could we please have clarified up front how the above

There are evidently some who wish that there was more up front clarity
about https://rms-open-letter.github.io/ too. Both letters have been
added to the ballot completely unedited for the same reason -
consistency of Debian's message with the wider ecosystem is of greater
importance than precision. If you prefer different wording, I suggest
you propose it as an amendment.

> Notably, if it implies that Debian Developers some developers (e.g.
> those who signed the open letter or voted certain elements on the ballot
> higher than FD, etc.) would no longer be able to participate in DPL
> votes, then I see this ballot as a change of our current constitutional
> power (§4.1).
> Accordingly, I think this ballot should require a constitutional change
> and a 3:1 majority or the text should explicitly state that no current
> or future Debian Developer is considered a part of the "ambush mob".

This GR is being made within the scope of §4.1.5 "They may also include
position statements about issues of the day". I think you're reading
more into this than the letter contains. If that was the implication
then the proposer would have needed to specify a different section of
the consitution for the resolution to be interpreted under.
Phil Morrell (emorrp1)

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