On 26.03.21 10:05, Gerardo Ballabio wrote:
Steve McIntyre wrote:
We *entirely* have the freedom to discriminate based on
what people say and do around us. We're not a government.

So only governments should not discriminate people?

Try a simple thought experiment: if you think that only the law (which
country?) has any bearing here, is spam filtering allowed? Should we
be allowed to block people from our mailing lists or BTS for sending
lots of messages saying "Free Software is awful"?

You have the right to choose which mail messages you receive.
You haven't the right to choose which mail messages I send.
Can you see the difference?

Your example lacks perspective. That said, let's escalate your example a bit: If you send me lots of messages that I do not want to receive and I have told you so, but you find ways of sending them to me nevertheless, you are responsible for this. Now if you keep sending me messages, -imagine a dDoS- I would argue that you are also legally accountable for that.

"You haven't the right to choose which mail messages I send." What this sentence implies is exactly that: that *you* are solely responsible, and therefore accountable for your actions.

Now, let's apply your sentences above to the hypothetical case in which we would be working together in an organization or a workplace. In that situation, I could very well escalate the matter to a decision making body of that organization, or make them public and request that you'll be held accountable for your actions.

Can you see the difference?

Similarly, if you don't want to listen to me, you have the right to
walk away. You haven't the right to silence me.
If you don't want to work with me, you have the right to quit. You
haven't the right to get me fired.

If you are harmful for the organization, or this hypothetical workplace you seem to be talking about, then a hypothetical me would very well have the right to complain about you and ask the decision making body of the organization to take a decision concerning our conflict (that's what it is) in the interest of the organization. And that might mean to get you fired because you are causing harm.


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