hello Chris,

Thank you for your response. Please see below some follow-ups.

On Thu, 2017-03-30 at 15:56 +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Hello Ritesh,
> > Debian as a project is different than others. Most other similar projects,
> > have
> > a commercial backing and interest. This puts the onus on them (other Linux
> > distributions) to ensure their support infrastructure is simple, intuitive
> > and
> > supportable.
> You raise some interesting points especially regarding fragmentation of
> support. To be fair to Debian, even projects with "commercial backing" have
> this issue. :)
> I think we should judge ourselves on our results and not whether X or Y
> exists. In other words, it doesn't matter whether the support is operated by
> paid operatives or by the community, the key question is whether our users
> are acutally getting the support they need.
> However, it is very difficult to get concrete answers here. Anecdotes are
> not data, but if we hear enough times that "Yeah, I tried using Debian but
> my wifi/video/keyboard/smartcard didn't work, but it worked under Z…" then
> we might start to question whether we are serving our users best.

I admin "Support" is a much wider topic. So I'll take examples to phrase my

Most major hardware and software vendors have a handful of Linux distributions
marked as supported, even though there's a high possibility that other
distributions would work equally well. I understand marking an item "Supported"
has other challenges, which is what leaves out most of the non-commercial

I myself, with one of my previous employer, had challenges mentioning support.
Back then, we rather chose to cook up a "Community Support Model" for Debian and
similar non-commercial* GNU/Linux distributions.

ISVs have improved over time. Today, 2 of the tools that I use (Crossover and
Skype), do offer a Debian .deb package.

On the IHV front, I am not sure if things are the same:
* We have a very small list of IHVs [1] mentioning support for Debian.
* We have a Debian Enterprise Mailing List [2]. But I don't see much traffic

Do you think a HW Certification Process should be available for Debian ?
I see all other Enterprise Distributions (including Debian Derivatives) have a
certification process in place.

Should we have a Certification Test Suite (Both Hardware and Software) that our
vendors could run and provide us with the results ? 
Such results could be validated by our Enterprise Team, and accordingly a HCL
could be set up for Debian.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/Hardware/ShippingWithDebian
[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-enterprise/

* Non Commercial as in not backed by a profit making organization

Ritesh Raj Sarraf | http://people.debian.org/~rrs
Debian - The Universal Operating System

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