Le mardi, 9 août 2016, 00.14:49 h CEST Nick Phillips a écrit :
> To be clear - I do not believe that it would be acceptable for any message
> to be made public without explicit approval of the author. A mere lack of
> objection is not enough - however it does seem to me that this is a road
> that some are keen to travel down.

Please note that the current process, as decided by GR 2005/002 [0] is as 
follows (emphasis and ellipsis mine):

> The team will *automatically* declassify and publish posts made to that list
> that are three or more years old, with the following exceptions:
> - the author (…) in messages being reviewed will be contacted, and allowed
>   between four and eight weeks to comment;
> (…)
> - requests by the author of a post for that post not to be published will be
>   honored;

So you do not believe "it would be acceptable for any message to be made 
public without explicit approval of the author", but the project has _not_ 
decided to make past messages' declassification dependent on explicit approval; 
only on "4-8 weeks time, no objection raised".

The current process _allows_ declassification of posts from unreachable, 
incapacitated or dead participants.


[0] https://www.debian.org/vote/2005/vote_002.en.html

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