Colin Tuckley <> writes:
> On 08/08/16 17:53, Don Armstrong wrote:

>> I envision that anyone who is delegated to do the declassification will
>> include something along those lines. But they are in the best position
>> to decide how to do that, if that ever happens.

> Indeed, and that means that a message written to debian-private back
> when all messages there were private *forever* might now be made public
> against the wishes of the author, since a GR may go against the authors
> wishes.

But that's always been the case, with or without this proposal, since a GR
is the highest decision-making mechanism we have.  Whether or not this GR
passes, I could propose a GR tomorrow that says "all of the debian-private
archives will immediately be released on the web," and if that passes, we
would release messages against their authors' wishes.

The backstop against this happening has always been the good-faith
assumption that Debian as a whole will not vote for such a GR.  I don't
think this proposal materially changes that.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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