On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 11:12:14PM +0200, Debian Project Secretary -
Kurt Roeckx wrote:

> Stats for the DPL votes:
> |------+------+--------+-------+--------+---------+--------+-----------|
> |      |  Num |        | Valid | Unique | Rejects |      % |  Multiple |
> | Year |  DDs | Quorum | Votes | Voters |         | Voting | of Quorum |
> |------+------+--------+-------+--------+---------+--------+-----------|
> | 2015 | 1033 | 48.210 |   364 |    353 |      39 | 34.172 |   7.32206 |
> |------+------+--------+-------+--------+---------+--------+-----------|

This num DDs seems a bit higher than I'd expect; it looks more like the
number of DDs with active keys + emeritus DDs, rather than the number of
DDs with active keys + number of non-uploading DDs with active keys +
number of DDs with removed 1024 bit keys.

active DD keys:                 751
active DN keys:                  12
1024 bit removed DD keys:       220
emeritus keys:                  283

So I think quorum is 983. It's possible the number might be one or two
higher as that won't included anyone who is entirely missing a key at
present but such situations are rare.


  The more things change the more  |  .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux Developer
           things suck.            | : :' :  Happy to accept PGP signed
                                   | `. `'   or encrypted mail - RSA
                                   |   `-    key on the keyservers.

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