also sprach Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.10.21.1747 +0200]: > Though, when this software is central to all Debian (as the kernel is, > or the glibc for the sunrpc issue, or mesa for the GLX code, or ...), > then as it's a long and slow work to either prune the firmware, or deal > with the copyright holders to relicense (and mesa has made it, proof > that it's possible, but it needed like 2 or 3 releases of Debian to do > so !), the Release team acknowledge that progress has been made, and > tags the bugs $suite-ignore.
It's all a matter of defining what your priorities are, which brings us back to the Social Contract, which says that these include: - 100% freeness - cater best to the interests of our users Note that it does not say: release regularly, or on time. This may well be interpreted to be part of the second of the aforementioned priorities, but it's not explicitly so. Are we the Free operating system, or do we only call ourselves that, while looking up into the sky and whistling innocently? We've released sarge bundled with an excuse. We've agreed that these amendments, which have already been ratified by the Debian Project, will be reinstated immediately after the release of the next stable version of Debian, without further cause for deliberation. -- We've released etch without an excuse for failing to comply to our own rules. Are we just going to continue down this road? If yes, then someone should propose a GR to revert the changes GR_2004_003 rather than pretending that everything is hunky dory. -- .''`. martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : :' : proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user `. `'` - `- Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems "education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught." -- oscar wilde
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