Simon Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Do you feel that the DPL is first and foremost The Debian Project
>> Leader, in the sense that anything Debian-related the DPL does, he
>> does so as the DPL, not as a DD or a private person?
> Both. Foremost, the position of the DPL is a "hat" that can be put on
> if needed, and shouldn't be put on if there is no clear need for it,
> however it is also important that the person below the hat still has
> the trust and respect of the others. The DPL can only mediate as long
> as he is deemed impartial, and this is a highly subjective judgement
> in which the wearing or non-wearing of hats only plays a minor role.

Do you not see the problem that people might view the DPL's hat on top
of the DD's head, even if the DD think's he isn't wearing it?

> I think this is the main issue people have with dunc-tank: By paying
> people to perform some task in Debian, we'd effectively acknowledge
> that it is necessary to pay them, otherwise we wouldn't. However if
> this is the case, then it is not a once-off thing, but will be
> recurring every year; claiming otherwise asks the question of why this
> particular incident is different and should not be seen as a
> precedent.

I cannot speak for "people", but for *me* this is not the main issue.

Personally, I was pretty undecided with respect to paying the release
managers.  I am *really* angry, however (always must hold myself back
from writing this other four-letter-word with 'u' when spelling
dunc-tank), about the fact that our DPL, as soon as he felt the wind
blowing in his face, turned his back on the project and founded
dunc-tank, out of the control of the project, but with unclear boundary
to it, and with him juggling with DPL, DD and personal hats.

Regards, Frank
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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