Le mardi 27 février 2007 à 13:45 +0200, Kalle Kivimaa a écrit :
> Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >   I absolutely don't like the implications of that assertion.
> Well, if an entity A feels that they would benefit from paying a DD
> for his Debian work, they have two choices:
> 1. They can do it publicly, or
> 2. They can just work the details out with the DD and not announce
>    this anywhere.
> Doing #1 entails taking a lot of heat from those DD's who feel that
> paying DD's is a no-no.

I am *sick* of that assimilation of people against dunc-tank being those
who feel DDs can't be paid. Just stop the FUD.

>  How many entities want to have their name
> associated with postings like the ones we had with the Dunc-Tank
> experiment?
> The solution, of course, is to have a mailing list environment where
> payment announcements would be welcomed, not flamed. I'm not sure how
> we could achieve this. Ideas?

I've never seen anyone on any mailing list have anything against
developers being paid by HP or Progeny - and an entity like HP manages
much more money than dunc-tank.

I've seen, though, people opposed to a project leader using his
notoriety as such to raise funds among DDs to pay people he chose.

: :' :      We are debian.org. Lower your prices, surrender your code.
`. `'       We will add your hardware and software distinctiveness to
  `-        our own. Resistance is futile.

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