Remi Vanicat wrote:

Tell me, how will you help your friend which inadvertently bought a
nvidia graphic card instead of a radeon one to get 3D ? How will you

I will suggest him to buy radeon and to sell nvidia.

Well, You will give me the money that this operation will cost me?

How much do you need? You probably can convince me to give you some
money. I need help for fixing Mozilla package so it will be able to
print Russian in Debian, just after installing. I think it is possible
to do even without fixing Mozilla sources.

The ADSL modems might be given to me by my ADSL provider. I might have
no choice, thanks you for your support... By the way it is just what
nvidia do, nvidia never ask us to do a debian packaging of their
driver, we made it just as a matter of convenience for our user, as
they are one of our main priority.

I understand this. It is good that Nvidia cares about their customers
which use X and Linux. It is good that Debian cares about his users
which have nvidia hw. Nvidia acts ethicaly when it helps its customers.
You are acting ethical when you help Debian users which are Nvidia
customers. It is good to help other people.

The fact, that someone will suffer because of non-free situations
which can happen after distribution, can be ignored because we do not
care about it.
Best regards, Sergey Spiridonov

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