On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 08:02:29PM +0100, Sergey V. Spiridonov wrote:
> Remi Vanicat wrote:
> >>Yes I say (not because I wanted to hurt you) that Debian acts
> >>non-ethically and I provided an example, how and in which case this
> >>happens. Is it incorrect?
> >
> >
> >Yes it is. Your example do not convince me that this was non-ethical to
> >make non-free package.
> This is good because that was what I aim also. I do not know how my 
> example can convince in opposite.
> >So I feel that what your are doing is defamation (and not diffamation
> >Sven). 
> Your are not convinced in what I was not saying. Where is defamation?

You are trying to convey the impression that my work as a non-free
maintainer either is unethical or makes debian behaves unethically,
while this is patently false. This is slander and defamation.


Sven Luther

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