On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 08:45:30AM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 02:06:12PM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
> > The way we are doing it, by removing non-free from the debian archive in
> > hope for the upstream authors releasing their software in a more free
> > licence, could also be seen as an unclean racket to try to pry away
> > their software from them under conditions they choose not to. And you
> > are speaking of ethicality ?
> While I agreed with most of the message you wrote (the one I'm responding
> to), I disagree with the above.  There are real problems with dropping
> non-free, but I don't think this particular example is one we should
> care about.

Yeah, let's contemplate it only in the non-ethical discussion. 

Still it shows the thing the other way around, and i do believe that some
of the upstream authors will feel this way if we are going to approach them
with a stick (removing their software from non-free), instead of taking
the carrot approach (discussion with them so their software can move to

> We should have good relations with the authors of software we distribute,
> and we should benefit them.  However, our first priority is our users
> and the free software community.

Yep, i agree. I repeat the above was an argument for the ethically
inclined discussion, which i believe is a quite insulting pose to take
to both the upstream and maintainers of non-free software.


Sven Luther

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