On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 06:25:18PM -0600, John Goerzen wrote:
> > > The fact that some software has source and others don't; or that some can 
> > > be
> > > used by only certain people; is an irrelevant distinction to me.

> > last message you were claiming that i was wrong when i accused the
> > get-rid-of-nonfree zealots of this.  someone else accused me of being
> > delusional.

> > well, i'm glad that we've got that cleared up now.

> Me too.  You see, I am aware of difference between the different
> licenses.  I simply do not care.  It is not because I believe the DFSG
> is perfect.  Rather, it's becuase I believe restricting our users'
> freedoms is wrong -- and, moreover, ultimately harmful.  We will have a
> better project if we do not engage in that sort of activity, even if it
> is only a few users whose freedoms are trampeled, and even if those
> freedoms are only lightly trampeled.

Could you please explain how you reconcile "restricting our users'
freedoms is wrong" with a proposal that would reduce our users' ability
to choose non-free software?  Or, if you believe that there will be no
(statistically significant) reduction in users' choice resulting from
moving non-free packages to a separate infrastructure, could you please
explain what you foresee the mechanics of this to be, in light of
Anthony Towns' persuasive argument that creation of a separate archive
will make substantially less efficient use of available developer

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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