On 2004-01-03 11:46:23 +0000 Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au>
I disagree with your choice of "significantly".
That's nice. My comment is a result of my experience working on the
BTS, on testing and on the archive. Do you have any experience that
would back up any opinion you might have on this? Any repeatable
measurements? Anything beyond a sincere wish that it's true?
I have no measurements to give right now, but you don't either,
despite your experience. You seem to be plucking numbers from the air.
You are in a better position than me to have some interesting numbers,
so why not give all of them and put your commentary afterwards,
instead of making some up? Even indicating how to get the interesting
numbers would be a great use of your experience.
Uh, there's nothing special about DDs compared to non-DDs. All it
is sitting through the n-m process, and given things like sponsorship,
it doesn't necessarily even take that. [...]
There is the n-m process. I think that DDs have to know something to
get through it, as well as spend the time sitting through it.
I mean, sure, you might go from 99% of Debian development being on
software to 100%, but if that's 100% of 50 man hours rather than 99%
of 100 man hours, that's a loss.
It should not surprise anyone that apparently fictional numbers
support the arguments.
And if you're assuming that non-free is still important enough to
users that someone will maintain infrastructure for it [...]
No. I say let the "bazaar" decide.
I'm not sure what's so hard to understand about this, or why people
aren't willing to try setting up some replacement infrastructure are
nevertheless dismissive of how much effort that is.
I'm not sure why it's so hard to understand that it's unreasonable to
ask people who disagree with the infrastructure to set it up.
I also think that there will be benefits of new developers,
supporters and
collaborators if we let non-free go.
*shrug* I think you're dreaming.
That's your perogative, but in the absence of any data, they're both
idle guesses.
MJR/slef My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
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