[I think it is best to involve the people who actually know about the
 status and not take my word for it - I'm probably wrong.]

MJ Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I thought there were some Java systems which could go in Debian now.
> Is that correct? If so, why aren't those things you named in main? I
> have heard that the contrib Tomcat is a particular irritation to some
> users.

I haven't checked the exact current situation but based on the
debian-java posts the situation is such that Ant is almost ready to go
into main. After Ant the next candidates are parts of Eclipse and
Tomcat. I don't know the status of Jetty. At the moment trying to get
Tomcat or Jetty to run on say Kaffe is a non-trivial task (read: I
spent a few hours last weekend trying with no success on Tomcat) but -
from what I've heard - possible.

Basically the parts are there (Kaffe and Classpath are mature enough
to run at least Ant and Tomcat) but the conversion is not trivial.

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