Here's some thoughts about how we might implement supermajority: [1] The simplest: discard supermajority entirely. Nothing special is required to override "important decisions". This has some elegantly simple mathematical properties but I don't know of any other argument for it.
[2] Discard the election if the winner doesn't meet supermajority. Perhaps, if the ballot has nondefault options with differing supermajority ratios, immediately hold another election using only the options with a lesser supermajority ratio. I'm leaning towards this at the moment. [3] (current draft) Only consider supermajority in terms of defeating the default option. This gets a bit confusing to think about in the context of transitive defeats. [4] (my old hobby horse) Consider supermajority in every comparison involving an option with a supermajority requirement. This gets a bit confusing to think about in the context of transitive defeats. [5] (Nov 16 and earlier drafts) Discard options which don't satisfy supermajority before considering transitive defeat. This gets a bit confusing to think about in the context of transitive defeats. Suggestion? Comments? Incoherent ramblings? [Note: I'm not going to be around much tomorrow. Maybe you'll have everything solved for me when I get back?] Thanks, -- Raul