As before, if there are any flaws in my thinking or in my presentation, if there's anything that doesn't make sense, please tell me about it.
It's probably worth comparing the strategies possible with this draft with the strategies possible if we moved the quorum requirement to before step 2 (somewhat along the lines of the handling of quorum in the Nov 16 draft). ______________________________________________________________________ A.6 Vote Counting 1. Each voter's ballot ranks the options being voted on in the order specified by the voter. If the voter does not rank some options, this means that the voter prefers all ranked options over the unlisted options. Any options unranked by the voter are treated as being equal to all other unranked options. 2. We drop the weakest defeats from the Schwartz set until there are no more defeats in the Schwartz set: a. An option A is in the Schwartz set if for all options B, either A transitively defeats B, or B does not transitively defeat A. b. An option C transitively defeats an option D if C defeats D or if there is some other option E where E defeats D AND C transitively defeats E. c. An option F is a defeat (F,G) of an option G if N(F,G) is larger than N(G,F). d. Given two options H and I, N(H,I) is the number of voters who prefer option H over option I, unless (I,H) is a defeat which has been dropped, or unless H is the default option and I has a supermajority requirement. e. If H is the default option and I has a supermajority requirement, N(H,I) is the number of voters who prefer option H over option I multiplied by the supermajority ratio, unless (I,H) is a defeat which has been dropped. For example, if option I has a majority requirement of 2:1 and H is the default option then each vote preferring H over I is counted twice in this context. f. A defeat (J,L) is weaker than a defeat (M,P) if N(J,L) is less than N(M,P). Also, (J,L) is weaker than (M,P) if N(J,L) is equal to N(M,P) and N(L,J) is greater than N(P,M). g. A weakest defeat is a defeat that has no other defeat weaker than it. There may be more than one such defeat. h. A defeat is in the Schwartz set if both of its options are in the Schwartz set. i. A defeat (R,S) is dropped by making N(S,R) the same as N(R,S). Once a defeat is dropped it must stay dropped. 3. The winning option is picked from among the options T in the final Schwartz set where N(T,X) is larger than the quorum Q and X is the default option. If there is no quorum, or if no quorum has been specified, Q is 1. If there's more than one option to pick, from, the person with the casting vote picks the winner from these options. If there's no options to pick from, the default option wins. ______________________________________________________________________ Thanks, -- Raul