On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 12:20:14PM +0100, Sven LUTHER wrote:
> how can we know it is wrong (well know for sure, as different from having the
> suspision ?)
> if the ballot is listed as 1234 for example, does this correspond to voting
> for all 4 candidates and not having filled the further discution, or does it
> correspond to having voted for everyone except the first candidate.
> Or should it have been a ballot of -1234 or 1234- ?
> Anyway, i guess my ballot was also wrongly acounted, but i will wait for the
> second confirmation now, ...

Any confirmation that doesn't have five positions is tallied incorrectly.

In retrospect, I should have used A, B, C, D, and E for the ballot
options.  For the purpose of an example, let's assume that I had.

If you voted ACED (A first, C second, E third, D fourth) on an ABCDE
ballot, your confirmation should say:


That is, the numbers indicate your ranking of each option, with
options indicated by position.

Also, I've [belatedly] found out that debvote is a debian package.  You
can pull down a copy of the package, read the docs for yourself etc. etc.
[Let me tell you: reading the docs is a lot easier than trying to figure
out how it works by reading the code when you're not even quite sure
which files are relevant.]



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