On Sun, Oct 29, 2000 at 12:22:37AM -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
> Seth Arnold wrote:
> > But, somehow, I don't think Debian putting itself in a position to ship
> > without a graphical SSL web browser is a good idea. Currently, netscape
> > is the only one I have seen that supports SSL.
> Konquerer works fine.
> > So, while I love free software, I don't think killing non-free is a good
> > idea. Not until we can ship a free graphical ssl web browser.
> Time to find a new objection, this one is dead.

Nonsense.  Why let silly things like "facts" get in the way of one's

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Debian GNU/Linux                |       intellectual integrity you cannot
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |       support the government.
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