* Peter Eckersley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001028 21:09]: > You are confusing *pragmatic* support for an ideological > position with not supporting that position at all...
Ok, I promise this is the last anyone will hear from me on the whole issue. I *love* free software. I love that I can run apt-get upgrade, and download 90 free megs of free software updates each and every day, while microserfs are waiting weeks for fixes to their more restrictive software. (Or more open, if one wishes to consider the security implications.. :) But, somehow, I don't think Debian putting itself in a position to ship without a graphical SSL web browser is a good idea. Currently, netscape is the only one I have seen that supports SSL. Mozilla has it, but the personal security managers have to be downloaded from somewhere else, and I don't know if any exist yet. Maybe konqueror has support for SSL; but it keeps complaining about libGLU not existing on my system, so I can't test. (Why KDE needs OpenGL I do not understand.) The only SSL-enabled free web client that I know of is w3m-ssl. And while I like w3m, I am willing to bet I am in the minority. So, while I love free software, I don't think killing non-free is a good idea. Not until we can ship a free graphical ssl web browser. -- ``Oh Lord; Ooh you are so big; So absolutely huge; Gosh we're all really impressed down here, I can tell you.''