On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, Darren O. Benham wrote: > What would you like to see?
Well, if you are trying to get a vote on whether or not to apply Anthony Towns' ammendment, then the example ballot suggested by Buddha Buck is a clear statement of what is being voted upon, and I could certainly submit a ballot written like that. Personally, it isn't clear from your ballot that this was the goal, or how I could arrive at that goal. What I expect to see in a ballot is a clear description of exactly what is being decided by the vote, and how marking an item on the ballot will declare my choice. What choices were you offering on the ballot you submitted? Some clever people seem to have figured it out, but even with their suggestions it isn't clear to me that this was your intention. Waiting is, > > On Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 10:57:05AM -0400, Dale Scheetz wrote: > > The '[BALLOT] Social Contract Change' message was completely confusing. I > > have listened to the discussion on the list, and no one there seems to > > know how to mark the ballot either, although there is plenty of opinion > > about what the ballot "means". > > > > It is unclear what is actually being voted upon. I see that CHOICE 1 is > > "associated" with item 1 on the ballot which says simply "Yes". Does a > > mark here mean that I agree with CHOICE 1? Also CHOICE 2 is said to be > > associated with item 2 on the ballot, which simply says "No". Does a mark > > here mean that I do _not_ want CHOICE 2? > > > > It is my understanding, from my own reading of the Debian Constitution > > that the secretary decides how the vote will be structured and will > > produce a ballot. Since it isn't clear what I am being asked to vote for > > or against, this latest attempt by the Secretary seems to fall short of a > > ballot. > > > > Since I can't figure out what the vote is about, I can't produce a > > completed ballot, so I have no choice but to refuse to vote. I hope there > > are at least 20 other developers as confused as I am, so we have the > > required number of "Developers" to block any action resulting from this > > ... vague ballot. > > > > While there _is_ an indication that there is a second ballot, there is no > > indication of what is being decided by the content of the first, so I > > don't see how a second ballot can clear up my confusion. > > > > Waiting is, > > > > Dwarf > > -- > > _-_-_-_-_- Author of "The Debian Linux User's Guide" _-_-_-_-_-_- > > > > aka Dale Scheetz Phone: 1 (850) 656-9769 > > Flexible Software 11000 McCrackin Road > > e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL 32308 > > > > _-_-_-_-_-_- See www.linuxpress.com for more details _-_-_-_-_-_-_- > > > > > > > > > > -- > Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also. > * http://benham.net/index.html <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>< * > * Debian: Software in the Public Interest: * > * Project Secretary Treasurer * > * Webmaster Team * > * BTS Team siteROCK: * > * Lintian Team Linux Infrastructure Engineer * > Dwarf -- _-_-_-_-_- Author of "The Debian Linux User's Guide" _-_-_-_-_-_- aka Dale Scheetz Phone: 1 (850) 656-9769 Flexible Software 11000 McCrackin Road e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL 32308 _-_-_-_-_-_- See www.linuxpress.com for more details _-_-_-_-_-_-_-