>>"Joseph" == Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Joseph> That's debatable.. More and more a lot of people who Joseph> actually care about free software are feeling that Debian has Joseph> become apathetic toward it and are trying to push the other ...who really care about free software. You begin to lose credibility when you attach such generic (and unsubstantiated) labels to proponents of either side of this argument. To continue in the same, jejune fashion, a number of people who really, really care about the noble ideas of freedom of software actually applaud Debian's brand of pragmatic advocacy, where people are shown the pedigree of the software they use, and yet, (horrors!) actually allowed to make their own minds and choose software. I personally fail to percieve the apathy that apparently ails us. Joseph> direction as hard as possible. I'm not interested in that Joseph> and I already feel that now is not the time for John's Joseph> proposal to pass. Egad! I may even agree with you. Joseph> I think I would be disappointed if the vote was Joseph> overwhelmingly against as the (seemingly largely uninformed) Ah yes, the public disagrees with me, so it must be the uninformed, unwashed masses who don't know what's good for them. Can you feel the cedibility dropping? Joseph> public opinion has been. I _AM_ disappointed that our Joseph> secretary has decided how this vote will be handled by fiat Joseph> in a way that can best be described as ballot stacking in Joseph> favor of his personal preferences and setting a dangerous Oh yes, and us vote casting, umm, _persons_, are feeble minded idiots who can't logically cut through demagogic hype and make our own minds on the merits of the issue. Please refrain for speaking for the rest of us in the future. Joseph> precedent in which the secretary is essentially bound by no Joseph> rules and has more authority over the project than its leader Joseph> does. I see it as a secretary applying a modicum of common sense, but I don't really want to belabour this point. Others have already stated most of what I was going to. Joseph> This ain't good. Far be it from me to advocate more red Joseph> tape, but here's an example of where Debian's bureaucratic Joseph> system designed to ensure that nobody is in complete control Joseph> of the project without review is failing. The secretary can Joseph> arbitrarily change the rules for a GR vote and the only way Joseph> to appeal a decision made by the secretary is to have a GR Joseph> vote ... So please suggest more red tape in the properly formulated fashion, with a constitutional amendment that rectifies our brand of red tape. Joseph> Unfortunately, I think this also brings to light what is IMO Joseph> a shortcoming of Wichert's leadership of the project. He IMHO he gets brownie points for staying out of this mess. I wish I had the will power to have done the same. manoj -- "Turn on, tune up, rock out." Billy Gibbons Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/> 1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05 CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E 1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B 924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C