I am seconding/sponsoring the general resolution, which can be
found below.


On Wed, Jun 07, 2000 at 11:03:33PM -0500, John Goerzen wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Proposed by: John Goerzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Seconds:     Stephen R. Gore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>              Jim Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>              Marcus Brinkmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>              Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>              Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>              Ben Pfaff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>              Per Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Having met the requirement for introduction, this is a formal call for
> votes as per section 4.2.1 of the Debian Constitution.
> Text of resolution:
> - ------
> Debian General Resolution
> Resolved:
> A. That the Debian Social Contract with the Free Software Community be
> amended as follows:
>   1. That text of Section 5 be modified to read: "We acknowledge that
>   some of our users require the use of programs that don't conform to
>   the Debian Free Software Guidelines.  While we will not distribute
>   such software itself, we have created areas in our archive for
>   packages that help install or otherwise requre this software.  The
>   software in these areas is not part of the Debian system, although
>   it has been configured for use with Debian."  The title of
>   Section 5 shall be modified to read: "We will support users of our
>   system who develop or run non-free software."
>   2. That Section 1 be amended such that the final sentence reads: "We
>   will neither distribute nor make the system depend upon an item of
>   non-free software."
> B. That the non-free areas be removed from current Debian archives,
> and that all packages so placed there in accordance with the
> definition in Policy section 2.1.4 be removed from the Distribution
> and archives.  The introduction into the Debian Distribution or the
> Debian archives of any package meeting the non-free definition in
> Policy section 2.1.4, or failing the Debian Free Software Guidelines,
> shall be forbidden.
> C. That the maintainer of the Debian Policy Manual, or an appointee of
> the Debian Project Leader, be directed to update that manual
> respective of the changes to the Project and general Project policy
> detailed in sections A and B above.
> D. That the maintainers of the Debian archives and website, or an
> appointee of the Debian Project Leader, be directed to implement the
> changes to the Debian archives and website to reflect the changes to
> Debian enacted by the foregoing clauses in this Resolution.
> E. That the disposition of the non-free areas in historical, released,
> and frozen Debian Distrubutions and archives shall be determined per
> the Debian Constitution.
> - --------  end of Resolution --------
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