On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 02:06:27PM -0400, Will Lowe wrote:
> Here's my reasoning:
>       Nonfree stuff isn't part of Debian(tm), and never can be.  The
> current scheme allows _only_ Debian developers to create packages for
> non-free,  which lends an aura of officialness.  Take non-free completely
The non-free packages *are* packaged to Debian's high standard and *are*
managable through the BTS.  This is also good for Debian as it tries to
fulfill it's promise to support users who choose to use non-free software.
An area that stores OTHER deb uploads that don't meet Debian's policy is
not a bad idea... doing away with any are for non-free debs that are
packaged from WITHIN the project is not a good thing, I think.

>       The stuff in contrib, IMO, belongs in Main.  The GPL says nothing
GPL might not.. but the GPL isn't our litmus test.  It's the DFSG.

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* Debian Developer, Debian Project Secretary, Debian Webmaster          *

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