Here's my reasoning: Nonfree stuff isn't part of Debian(tm), and never can be. The current scheme allows _only_ Debian developers to create packages for non-free, which lends an aura of officialness. Take non-free completely off of the (and mirror) system. Create a site (or something similar) which allows non-Debian people to upload stuff in addition to Debian maintainers. There would, of course, be lots of notices about how "Nothing here is officially sanctioned by Debian" and the like. Move all of the current non-free stuff there. Perhaps we should get in the habit of pgp (gpg) signing the Packages.gz files, so that apt could check and see if a mirror is using the right file, and warn users that they're installing non-Debian software if they use such a site.
The stuff in contrib, IMO, belongs in Main. The GPL says nothing about usefulness of software. Of course, I've got no idea how to resolve the dependency problems this raises. Will -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | | | PGP Public Key: | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | And if you hold on tight to what you think is your thing | | you may find you're missing all the rest ... | | - Dave Matthews, "Best of What's Around" | --------------------------------------------------------------------------