Ben Armstrong wrote: > > I thinks that's even not clear enough, because the "" part makes > > it somehow official again. > > Personally, I would prefer "". > > I like this idea. > > > Even those who know nothing about the Debian Social Contract should know > > what that means. > > depoliticizes the split somewhat. I feel this is a > "good thing" though not everyone would agree, I am sure. Furthermore it > solves the sticky problem of lumping contrib in with non-free on this > site. Both are unofficial, i.e. not part of "main". But both are not > non-free. > > I only have one problem with "unofficial". People are used to unofficial > (beta) releases of software being the "good stuff" ... the latest-and- > greatest-with-all-the-bells-and-whistles. I don't think this is the > message we want to send. So I'm kind of on the fence as to whether > "nonfree" or "unofficial" would be better because of this.
Call it maybe "extra" ... I rose by any other name smells as sweet? and ??? or maybe 'main' is 100% free stuff 'extra' or 'other' is mostly but not completely non-free! That way, yes you don't have the 'contrib'ers feeling like second class debianites even though their stuff IS FREE, and just depends on other non-free stuff to work. Wham Bam... hmmmmm --Brock --------------------- PGP key ID: FED76A3D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 4 / 5 / 1999 __ _ Debian GNU R. Brock Lynn (bytopian on irc #debian) / /(_)_ __ _ ___ __ / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ / Free Software! / /__| | | | | |_| |> < Remember that's "Free" as in Freedom!, \____/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\ Not Free as in price. Debian's 'Da Bomb!