On Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 10:37:24PM +0200, Norbert Nemec wrote: > Guess, that idea already has been discussed and ruled out, but still I think > it may serve better: > > Why not put some kind of a sign on every non-free package, instead of moving > those packages anywhere? There is a number of ways that could be done > - something in the name of the package It's even less distinct than what we currently have (or no difference if we keep the current layout).
> - a message when installing the package Nagware-ish. Every non-free package you install, you have to agree to some announcement that this package is non free... > - something that shows up clearly in dselect/apt (this applys to above, too) doesnt' help the distinction for people browsing http or ftp directories... > And perhaps, the README.Debian should be mandatory to contain a brief > explanation why this package is considered non-free (often it is obvious, > but often it is not, especially for those new to the world of free software) I think this is a good idea, regardless of what we do with the archive... it's a -policy issue. > Many of the users do get Debian on CD, so they won't even realize which > server the packages were on. Also, putting an additional server in your > apt-file is a one time action, while a sign on every package (however it > would look) would be recognized at every installation. putting an additional like would be like saying "I wish to use non-free software" That covers teh anser to each question. It's a chance to make a consious decision by the user. They see the free stuff. They're told that non-free stuff exists if they check this other server or add this line to their source.list file. -- Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also. ========================================================================= * http://benham.net/index.html <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>< * * -------------------- * -----------------------------------------------* * Debian Developer, Debian Project Secretary, Debian Webmaster * * <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * * <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * =========================================================================
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