On Tue, Jan 27, 2004 at 10:06:47AM +0900, GOTO Masanori wrote:
> > The only RC requirements we have for POSIX conformance are indirectly
> > through requirements for LSB/FHS conformance, or because that's what
> > maintainers expect of their own packages.
> Indeed.
> Conforming to POSIX _perfectly_ is hard any time for various OSes and
> systems.  For example look at the recent NPTL updates.  NPTL fixes
> various pthread concerns, but it needs a long history (from 1997 or
> so) to modify both kernel and glibc.
> Moreover, if you read specs deeply, then you may find even
> specification error.  And there are a lot of "shall" "may" words, and
> in that case we don't need to conform to such item if we have reasons.
> Be careful that exactly matching to the specification blindly misleads
> the meaning or the purpose of specifications and standards.

Change "POSIX" to "LSB" and that makes the point better than I care to.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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