Hi Pete :-)

> Personally I like the current Woody installer :-)

I dislike the old and miserable/poor look of it, reminds me of old dos boxes
or a blue screen :-)
I dislike the poor information you sometimes get out of it (not true for
every inst. step though)

> I find it quick and easy to use - runs nicely on older
> hardware due to not
> having the overhead of any kind of GUI.

You got me there, keep the old look for old systems, bring up a new look for
new systems with 128mb gfx memory, a nice optical mouse and enough sys mem
to run 15 xservers at a time.........

> If you are only brought up in the GUI world of Windows, then
> I guess it will
> be a little disconcerting at first, but it's not hard to pick up.

No I'm not I used VC20, C64, Amiga500, HP-UX Systems, Macintosh, PPC and
PC's... but I'm glad that we have such powerful systems now, so why stick to
the old crap?

> At least the task selector and dselect do a good job of resolving any
> dependancies whilst installing - I have had loads of problems
> with Red Hat
> (although I have not installed it recently) and broken packages due to
> missing libraries etc.

I don't argue only on the functionality I argue on the looks. I never used
dselect because I still fear doing something wrong. I'm a little bit angry
when I know that on other systems like rh I simply press the mouse button
and i can (de)select packages without writing down 10 fancy keystrokes, this
is too time consuming. Reminds me of my first experiences with vi. Time is
an issue and also the easy-to-install thing. So whenever dselect pops up and
asks if it should be run I'm like "HELL NO!!!"

At the moment I even won't use tasksel but only install basic system and
then run the apt-get. But remember, I'm talking about the first experience
with debian, not people like you who are used to it.

May sound lazy too, and yes I'm a lazy guy. If my boss tells me to setup an
apache server and tells me to use debian because the cust would like to have
especially this distri well heck I'm stuck in the installation routine for
hours trying to figure out how dselect works. GREAT :-( And the main part,
installing apache, isn't even done yet (this was my first experience with
Debian). I know to work with apache, but I don'T know how to install Debian,
never seen it before. First time I saw RH and SuSe using X-Server installs I
was like YES M$ gets their ASS kicked, this is almost too simple! Everybody
can handle that easily!

> Also, how many people in the Windows world actually install
> their own OS? I
> suspect *most* buy a computer with it pre-installed, or take
> it to a shop
> for upgrades - the few that do it themsleves would have
> little problem with
> the current installation of Debian.
> Without wishing to sound too evangelical, I have had fewer
> issues installing
> Debian on a variety of hardware than I have had installing
> Windows - in
> fact, my main workstation refuses to run with Windows 2000,
> so has a nice
> copy of Woody + backports instead.

I install every system on my own and I doubt that someone like my sister
would be able to do a successfull installtion with debian and X. But she
succesfully reinstalled win2000 on her own, without me even knowing it....
sorry you can't seriously tell me that it's simpler to install debian then
wintendo, ah c'mooooooooon ;o) (we don't have to talk about the os itself,
I'm on your side I hate this crash and burn system ;-)

And to get away from M$ ("winzigweich") you should try a RH and SuSe install
and then judge for yourself..... which install looks nicer? which installer
is simpler to use for the average user? which installer has tons of
information on any subject you can click with your mouse?

but when it comes to the question which distri is the better one, I'm the
first one screaming DEBIAN, because it's a hell of a distri, but still the
installer is a thorn in my eye.... and as I remember there was an article
posted recently, and the guy there also said that the installer is crappy,
I'd have to agree here....

To make this ONTOPIC again, THEREFORE I wrote my mail to all of you and I
think if you see this from the User's view without any politics in it, just
count the facts, the debian installer looks like a golden girl amongst
teenagers....... and also the debian distribution looks "old-fashioned"
then, for people who are not willing to spend hours just to get it
installed..... and that's a shame, because the spirit behind this whole
project is really really good...

Well just my personal thought,

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