On 11 Apr 2004, Pigeon wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 11, 2004 at 11:45:50AM +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> > I have to admit to relying on xkeycaps to do what I want (mainly convert
> > Caps Lock to Escape and make both Alt keys work the same).
>                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> ...care to post your method? I've fiddled with xmodmap to achieve this
> and achieved partial success, in X 4.1.0 (I can switch to a VC with
> Ctrl-either Alt-F<n>, but Alt-left-mouse to drag a window in blackbox
> has to be left-Alt). What's really annoying is I did it with xkeycaps
> on another machine but I'm buggered if I can remember how...                         
> -- 

I did it quite simply, by clicking on Escape with the right mouse
button, selecting duplicate, and then clicking on Caps Lock. I did a
similar thing with the Alt keys. But you could also do it manually; in
my xmodmap I have:
keycode 0x42 =  Escape

keycode 0x71 =  Alt_L

You can get the actual keycode values for your keyboard from xkeycaps.

The only thing I've found with xkeycaps is that choosing  to save just
the altered keys doesn't produce a valid xmodmap; you have to save all
the keys.


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