Incoming from Pigeon:
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 02:10:11PM +0100, Simmel wrote:
> > 
> > Seems like most people can't read?


> > Isn't it possible to do an autoreply only to all mails which have the
> > Subject "unsubscribe"
> Most of them can't type either... you'd have to filter on Subject
> "unsuscribe" as well :-)

  # ------------------------------------
  # inept mailing list (un)su[b]?scribe attempts, "vacation" dorks,
  # and test messages.
  # 23Dec2003 - moved to top of lists.rc
  :0 HB
  * 1^0 (I will be out of the office|\
  I will respond to your message when I return\.|\
  Je r\épondrai \à votre message d\ès mon retour\.|\
  Automated Response|\
  Auto\-reply message|\
  I have received your mail and will answer all inquiries|\
  machine\-generated message|\
  not a valid subscription or removal address|\
  received your message and we will get back to you|\
  simplemente un auto\-responder|\
  Thank you for writing to|\
  This is an AutoResponse from|\
  This is an automatic (acknowledgement|message|reply|response)|\
  (This is an autoresponder|I\'ll never see your message)|\
  This is an auto\-reply\
  * 1^0 ^Subject:.*(un)?su(b)?(s)?cribe
  * 1^0 ^X-Mailer:.vacation
  * 1^0 ^Subject:.\<test\>$
  * 1^0 ^Subject:.*please ignore
  * 1^0 ^Subject:.$
  * -1^0 ^Subject:.*Re:
    LOG="dorks - "

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
- -

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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