Werner Mahr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Am Mittwoch, 24. März 2004 15:16 schrieb Simmel:
>> Am Mittwoch, 24. März 2004 14:10 schrieb Simmel:
>> <> Hi "Listmaster(s?)",
>> <>
>> <> Seems like most people can't read?
>> <>
>> <>
>> <> Isn't it possible to do an autoreply only to all mails which have the
>> <> Subject "unsubscribe" telling the sender to use the apropriate
>> <> [EMAIL PROTECTED] to unsubscribe. And furthermore
>> <> directly deleting the mail, before it enters the list? Would save us
>> about
>> <> 10 Mails a day, sometimes even more :-)
>> <Why an autoreply? You can forward this mails directly to the right place.
>> That's true I can /dev/null them after receiving them... I just thought it
>> might be more clever to delete them before they're send. That would reduce
>> the traffic. 10 mails * X users (e.g. 1000) would mean 10.000 delivered
>> mails per day * 365 would be 3.650.000 mails per anno.
> I meant not that you should forward them, I meant the listmaster can forward 
> the instead of deleting and autoreply. A simple procmail-rule should do that.

Why not just pull some money together and hire the mob to break
$MORON's kneecaps?  That'll save everybody the trouble in the future,
you can be darn sure they'll remember how to unsubscribe next time.

 .''`.     Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    
`. `'`     proud Debian admin and user
  `-       Debian.  Because it *must* work.  debian.org   aboutdebian.com

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