This is just one for the archives.  Maybe it'll help someone should
they run into something like it.  The moral is, after installing a
kernel package, run modconf!  This is in Woody 3.0r2

Incoming from s. keeling:
> Incoming from s. keeling:
> > This is the kind of thing that annoys the living daylights out of
> > me.  As you can see, that key works in the xterm that mutt's running
> > in, it works in the emacs window that mutt opens up, and xev
> > recognizes it.  It also works in the gdm login (thank goodness!).
> > 
> > Yet, if I start up an xterm, an rxvt, or a gnome-terminal from the
> > command line or gnome panel, the "k" key just beeps and outputs
> > nothing.  However, if I su to root, it works there.
> I had a sneaking suspicion that something goofy must have been going
> on with the new kernel I installed the day before this started.  Well,
> sort of.  Upgrading to 2.4.18-1-686 clobbered iso-8859-1
> (nls_iso8859-1) language support.  Running modconf and installing a
> couple of modules appears to have eliminated the problem.
> Why the only symptom was the loss of my 'k' key, and only in some
> apps, I've no idea.  What a bizarre failure mode that is.  I suppose I
> should apologise for accusing gnome, but now it's b*tch*ing that
> fluxbox is a non-gnome-compliant wm and is refusing to use it.  #$%^&*!
> It may just be time to just give up on gdm & gnome and go back to
> startx to regain control.  Grrr.

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