On Sat, Feb 21, 2004 at 03:43:58AM +0100, Benedict Verheyen wrote:
> Antony Gelberg wrote:
> > On Wed, Feb 18, 2004 at 05:20:15PM -0700, Monique Y. Herman wrote:
> >> I get horribly uncomfortable reading exim documentation, but you have
> >> found exactly the bit I needed.  Thank you *so* much.
> >
> > Ain't that the truth.  I would have thought after so long with Linux,
> > I'd be hardened to all the excellent but technical documentation out
> > there.  But that one is a git.  I should probably get the O'Reilly
> > book.
> >
> > Then again, I have the same problem with Emacs, but perhaps that's
> > just me.  (Not looking to start a war, even though I use vi most of
> > the time, I'm incompetent on that as well!)
> >
> Well, count me in :) I do not find the documentation of exim to be
> very well writen. I have read, then tried the things i wanted to do and
> failed miserably. I only succeeded in doing them because of some
> guides and sample exim.conf's i found. Otherwise, it would have
> been a no-no. I also thought about buying the book from O'Reilly.
> It looks good but i'm not sure it will add a lot of value compared
> to the online docs of Exim.

I reckon the exim docs are very good. They are comprehensive and go
into pretty good detail; they don't suffer from the common fault of
online docs of being too short and sketchy. I will admit they are
extremely "Cambridge-flavoured" :-) but the only problem I have with
them is the same one that I have with all online docs - that apart
from their lack of greppability, dead trees are so much easier to use.


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