* Monique Y. Herman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [040218 10:15]: > On 2004-02-18, Mike Fedyk penned: > > Search for "/etc/aliases" in your exim.conf, and s/lsearch/lsearch*/ > > to put a literal "*" after lsearch. > > > > Then put "*: <destination username>" at the end of /etc/aliases and > > your concerns will be taken into account. > > > > Mike > > > > When I do this, all mail to any user on the system gets sent to that > account, not just mail to non-existent users. Eek!
This is because the system_aliases director comes before localuser. Directors are searched in order. If you only want a particular director to be used for addresses that fail all other tests, you want to add a new director at the end of the list. Then, since all this director needs to do is send all mail to a new address, there's no need for it to lsearch an alias file, just use smartuser and new_address. The additional alias file can be useful if in case you want to have a bit more control over the wildcard, though. For example, you could selectively block/drop certain addresses: # at the end of the directors configuration section catchall: driver = aliasfile file_transport = address_file pipe_transport = address_pipe file = /etc/wild_aliases search_type = lsearch* Then in /etc/wild_aliases, you have *:monique (to deliver all mail to monique), but you can also include things like this: myh-lotsospam: :unknown: myh-exboyfriend: :blackhole: myh-foo: :fail: unknown and fail are almost the same in this case, since this is the last director, there are no more to pass on to, so unknown results in a failure. The message might be different though (something like "no such user" vs. "administratively prohibited, forced failure") but you'd have to test that; I'm not absolutely sure. Actually, that caveat goes for this whole message; I haven't used exim3 in a long, long time! I recommend Andreas' exim4 backport packages. Actually, no, you said you're using unstable; just grab exim4 from there. Oh yeah, btw, in case it's not obvious: the wild_aliases example addresses I gave are local parts of recipient addresses, just like a regular alias file. It's good if you have certain addresses that get nothing but spam. This will help you manage the noise a bit. good times, Vineet -- http://www.doorstop.net/ -- http://www.anti-dmca.org/
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