Anil Gupte wrote:

You'll need to compile a kernel:

Why do you say that.  Debian kernels have ALL the drivers as modules.  The
installation process allows you to load the correct ones.


Anil Gupte

(Please do not top-post.)

drivers. The Network card is an Intel Pro1000 and the driver does not

You're probably using an older kernel that does not have support for that NIC. You could compile a kernel (as was suggested), but it'd be easier to download and install a newer kernel that has the module support (probably in the range of 2.4.22 or higher).

The problem with that is that it's hard to install a newer kernel off the network without having a working network.

But you can do it. There are probably better methods than what I'm about to describe, but it's the only way I know to do it. It's quite tedious.

If this machine dual boots into a networked OS (WinXP, etc), boot into that OS. Or alternatively, acquire a Knoppix (or similar CD) and boot off it and hope it sees the network.

Now that you're on the network, go to, click on the Debian Packages link on the left, and search for a 2.4.22 kernel. When you find it, download it to your hard drive. There will also be required packages (marked with red circles IIRC); you'll need those also. Some of those will have required packages. You'll have to get those also. Nasty nasty nasty method.

Once you've gotten everything you need, boot back into Debian, go to the directory where you downloaded all those files, and run "dpkg -i *.deb". You'll likely get lots of errors. Then try "dpkg --configure -all"; rinse, repeat until you get fewer errors (hopefully none). Hopefully your new kernel is installed, and you can reboot into your new kernel with support for your NIC.

This method is not for the faint of heart, and you'll curse Debian, and you'll curse me for suggesting it.

Another alternative would be to get dial-up working (pppconfig, if you have a real modem, or can get your "win-modem" to work - Good Luck! {dripping sarcasm{), and then simply install a new kernel in that method. Much easier.

As mentioned, there are probably easier ways to do this, but these are the methods I know to work.


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