At 11:54 PM 2/13/2004, Anil Gupte wrote:
How do I compile a kernel if I have not yet installed the base system? Also, will any *nix driver work? Intel's site only lists Unix drivers (and I think Red Hat).

Anil, please realize I am so new to this just having installed Debian 3 two days ago. However I was able with advice from the forum able to get through this step.

I installed by d/l'g the mini iso, then made boot & root floppies from the mini cd. Booted from the boot floppy, inserted the root floppy when asked, somewhere in there partitioned and formatted the hd and then completed the install from the cd. My nic, a netgear fs310tx wasn't in the list either.

But once I had a running system up I did an 'lspci' which showed the nic and identified it as a lne100tx. Maybe that's just a close enough fit for debian, maybe the difference is moot, beats me. When I have hardware questions I generally ask the dude behind the counter. :)

Anyway, googling that device got me easily to linksys' website where they recommended for rh linux the tulip driver, which is available on the debian install screen. So I then configured the driver for the nic by selecting tulip and now I can ssh into the box from my xp workstation. Can't do anything else yet, but at least I can copy/paste for the next question. :)


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