
* Steve Lamb wrote (2004-02-08 11:32):
>Thorsten Haude wrote:
>I said clearly

No you didn't.

>getting mail from a system that does not have procmail.  You know,
>that whole POP and IMAP  thing?

I see. As soon as I *get* mail, I may filter it, don't I? Why would
filter A be better than filter B in this scenario?

(Though I see an advantage of virtual folders like Evolution has.)

>>>I can use procmail for my filtering with TBird.  In fact I use Exim
>>>filters for tbird because I access that mail with no less than 4
>>>clients.  But 3 of the 4 don't require me to use those filters and,
>>>in fact, allow me to access a second account and filter it quite
>>They don't require you because they have their own filters? But
>>wouldn't that force you to write the filters for each of them?
>    Yes, which is better than having no filters at all, is it not?

Sure, but why is Mutt + MDA more limited than any other MUA?

And what is your problem anyway, that Mutt has no internal filters or
that the Unix toolchain should be applied to email? Mutt is limiting
itself to certain tasks which it does very well.

>>>Something mutt is utterly incapable of doing in an acceptable manner.
>>What, filtering mails? Accessing multiple accounts?
>    Yes, and yes.  Mutt, AFAIK, does not filter.  Mutt, furthermore, has no 
>concept of separate accounts.  As such it is completely incapable of 
>keeping the mail separated out in an easy fashion.  

You are repeating yourself. Nobody claims that Mutt has filters. Or do
you decry the fact that Mutt is no POP3 client?

>Please, read my many rants on this on this list available in the
>archives before continuing.  I doubt that you have anything new to
>bring to the discussion that hasn't been tried in the past 3-5 years.

So you are allowed repeat your rants, but any objection makes no sense
because they have been done before?

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening
mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.
    - Thomas Jefferson

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