
Adam (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:

> On Saturday 24 January 2004 10:20, Andreas Janssen wrote:
>>>> Did you mount the usbdevfs? Add this to your fstab:
>>>> usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs defaults 0 0
> Done.
>>>> Did you rerun lilo?
>>> Well, I rebooted!
>> That doesn't mean anything. You must rerun lilo to save the changes
>> to your bootloader configuration.
> Sorry: this is the first time I've had to deal with these things
> manually. I've now run "/sbin/lilo" as root -- is that simple form
> sufficient to carry the changes from lilo.conf into the actual boot
> process?
>>>> What does dmesg | grep cd say? What does dmesg |
>>>> grep command say?
> Now:
> /home/adam $ dmesg |grep cd
> hdc: attached ide-cdrom driver.
> hdd: attached ide-cdrom driver.
> /home/adam $ dmesg |grep command
> Kernel command line: auto BOOT_IMAGE=Linux root=301 hdd=ide-scsi
>> See? That should be "auto BOOT_IMAGE=Linux root=301 hdc=ide-scsi
>> hdd=ide-scsi". Obviously it isn't. Rerun lilo. Or, as you use a
>> module configuration, add the following line to some file in
>> /etc/modutils/ (/etc/modutils/ide-cd for erxample):
> There is no such file, so I'll assume you mean I should create one.

Yes. By the way, does it work now?

>> options ide-cd ignore=hdc ignore=hdd
> I know hdd CD-RW needs to use ide-scsi in order for cdrecord to work,
> but hdc is a DVD/CD-reader -- would you recommend setting that up as a
> SCSI device too?

I set up all DVD/CD drives with scsi emulation, mostly because at least
until some time ago, some graphical programs for cd writing only
displayed drives with scsi emulation, even for reading. Another plus is
that you can easily access drives with emulation if you are in the
cdrom group (for example for making images). If you don't use ide-scsi
emulation, the device files belong to the disk group (like ide hard
disks), so you have to change ownership, or add yourself to the disk
group, which is a very bad idea.

best regards
        Andreas Janssen

Andreas Janssen
PGP-Key-ID: 0xDC801674
Registered Linux User #267976

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