On Sun, 18 Jan 2004 13:58:15 -0800
Nano Nano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's hard but only "first order hard" -- just keep plodding and you'll
> get it.  

See, the reason I like Debian is that it handles "first order hard" for
me. What's the point of doing it by hand? Some projects teach you
something - compile and configure, for example, Sendmail/SMTP Auth/Cyrus
by hand and you're gonna learn a lot about authentication and mail
handling. Compile mplayer with all the extras by hand and you're just
going to spend a lot of time hunting down codecs and support packages,
and then dealing with variations in the way they were packaged. The
first codec/package may be instructive, but doing it 20 times over with
minor but irritating variations is not my idea of a learning experience.

> And I like to do it from source so I know it's optimal.

Do you actually understand what all the various compile-time options
are, and why you may or may not want them? For probably 99% of users,
the basic options in premade packages are all they need. If you're in
that 1% left over, then by all means compile away. It's nice to have the
power if you need it, but silly to reinvent a perfectly good wheel.

Todd Pytel

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