On Sun, 18 Jan 2004 08:35:06 -0600
Benjamin Sher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am a newbie but I thought I should try to install mplayer from
> source. So I downloaded the tarball source for mplayer 1.0pre3 and,
> using gcc3.33 compiler on Xandros 2.0 (Debian), I compiled it. It
> looks fine but nothing happens when I try to launch it. 

(First off, as was stated, mplayer is a command line app - you need to
give it an argument. Try gmplayer for a GUI.)

Your enthusiasm is admirable, and it is generally a good learning
experience compiling things from source. Mplayer, however, is not the
package to do this with, as you're finding out. It's incredibly tedious,
has a zillion optional codecs, some of which are hard to find and
conflict with one another, and generally leaves you with a huge variety
of libraries, codecs, includes, and other crap lying around your
filesystem. Trust me, I've done it. It was a stupid exercise, entirely
not worth the trouble. 

I don't know if Xandros can use Christian's repo (see marillat.free.fr
for details), but please use it if you can. You have better things to do
with your time...

Todd Pytel

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