On Sat 11 Jan 2025 at 06:58:04 (-0600), Richard Owlett wrote:
[ … ]
> However I'm making practical use of mp3 files for the first time
> (currently a dozen lectures). I looked for an mp3 player whose GUI
> took up a very minimal amount of screen real estate. I was referred to
> several overpowered complex candidates and chose VLC as most straight
> forward.

I would have thought that if screen real estate is a real criterion,
it would be difficult to beat audacious. In its winamp skin, it runs
here in a window about 275x112 pixels when displaying all its controls
(play/skip etc motion controls, time, file name/parameters, equaliser,
volume/balance, etc), and as few as about 275x12 when reduced to just
the motion controls. You can also iconify it, which gives it a
marginal size of zero if there's a space in your icon grid.

Your criticism that the timing was too coarse was answered (±1sec
is better than your "point x minutes into a file").

So what's the real problem?

> 2. Is there a mailing list or USENET group where application specific
>    newbie questions would be appropriate?

If a Debian application doesn't work, then questions are on topic
here. If it works, then the man page, or my previous post¹, should
be enough for playing your dozen lectures. If you've lived a life
sheltered enough for ⏴ ⏵ ⏸ ⏹ to mystify you, then you can run
audacious with keystrokes. It seems perfect for satisfying your
"focused on moving around in a single lecture".

Beyond that, you toss out thoughts like:

> Then I started speculating about taking notes tied to specific times.
> Can audacious do that? Is there a media player with that orientation?
> What should I be reading?

later qualified with:

> It was more of a "I wonder if..." question than a specific "How do I.."

I don't think you're serious about wanting to write some sort of
multimedia application combining editing and presenting text and
audio clips, so I think it's safe to ignore these asides.

You say you're looking for appropriate support. What are you trying
to get out of the documentation that requires it to be organised
in some particular way? I'll hazard that most people use these players
with barely a glance at any documentation. (Those criticising it could
file a bug or wishlist, to be passed upstream if appropriate.)

On Sun 12 Jan 2025 at 05:58:56 (-0600), Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 1/11/25 10:24 AM, eben wrote:
[ … ]
> > So is mplayer.  As far as graphical programs, I think gmplayer has a fairly
> > small footprint, but I might have used it once.
> It's not in Debian repository.

Yes it is: mplayer-gui. Playing mp3s is usual for "movie players".

¹ https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2024/12/msg00409.html


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