Richard Owlett <> wrote:
> As I'm over 80 and a computer *user* since introduction via Hollerith 
> cards and line-printers in 60's (q.v. CORC & CUPL - BASIC didn't
> exist) and later using an Acoustic coupler with an RBBS, I'm not a
> newbie per se.
> However I'm making practical use of mp3 files for the first time 
> (currently a dozen lectures). I looked for an mp3 player whose GUI
> took up a very minimal amount of screen real estate. I was referred
> to several overpowered complex candidates and chose VLC as most
> straight forward.
> Due to vision and perception issues, I avoid sites over using
> graphics or requiring JavaScript. For support I look for USENET
> groups &/or mailing lists (not having found _any_ usable WEB based
> fora).
> I didn't find anything at (and linked pages).
> Searching for alternative support channels, I went to
> and
> without any luck.
> 1. Suggested alternative application with newbie friendly docs?
>     [VLC has attractive features but ...]
> 2. Is there a mailing list or USENET group where application specific
>     newbie questions would be appropriate?

I'm surprised you didn't find anything at the videolan site, since
that seems to work tolerably well without javascript. And the
application itself has a Help menu that can bring up various useful
documents. The man page suggests using the program's help from the
command line. There is a mailing list as listed at Have you tried all those

You don't say what particular problems you are encountering so it's
difficult to be of more help.

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