On 12/28/24 08:24, Andy Smith wrote:

On Sat, Dec 28, 2024 at 12:53:41PM +0000, Darac Marjal wrote:
On 28/12/2024 10:06, Andy Smith wrote:
On Fri, Dec 27, 2024 at 08:26:26PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
When is that going to happen? Trying to maintain debian-arm stuff blind is a
pita. I want to SEE whats available.
I have never in my life felt the need to use synaptic. What am I
missing out on?
Synaptic is a GUI frontend to apt. It's not really much different to
aptitude, except that it's maybe a bit more mouse-friendly.
That much I know. I am wondering what its killer feature is that Gene
wants to work so hard to make it run on a headless single board computer
that one would think to be wholly unsuitable for running GUI apps.

armbian in the full desktop version runs noticeably slower than it runs on amd64 stuff, but its more than fast enough to run a full screen gui for a 3d printer.  I'll gladly tolerate a just noticeable lag that never crashes, uptimes from kernel update to kernel update, with klipper/moonraker/fluidd feeding nginx, broadcasting to any web browser in the house that is watching aliasname:80, in exchange for an 18 watt power draw (including its 24" AOL monitor) while sitting idle between jobs. I use firefox to localhost:80 on the local machine actually running the printer at speeds around 10x what it could do OOTB 4 years ago when it was new.

FWIW, I probably have another $2000 in better hdwe., much of which I designed in OpenSCAD. I may ask what seems to be off the wall questions simply hoping to glean additional info because I enjoy plowing new ground and making it work better.  Part of the upgrade is closed loop stepper/servos, because they have at least a 10x improvement in the accuracy of motor control. The error at the instant determines motor current, running at 7x speeds, average motor power is 30% of the burn your hand temps the usual setup does, it can even reverse a motor that overshoots, putting it back where it belongs using around 4x the instant power if it has to. The latest addition is a motorized nozzle cleaner, operated as part of the startup gcode.

I've got to get my web page up again, I lost it when those two seagate 2T drives went offline at 2 weeks accumulated runtime as I was trying make bookworm run now 18 months ago. It runs when it gets around to it, opening a local file is an automatic lockup for 30 seconds. And no one has identified that problem. Around 30 fresh installs with the only usb plugged in being the wireless button for logitek keyboard/mouse but I still get orca and brltty yelling every keystroke at me thru my speakers. Yet when I question the broken bookworm installer, I catch hell from the powers that be here. Total denial that the problem exists has been the universal response.

I just use "apt" from a terminal. apticron emails me which updates are

Running headless servers but still wanting a GUI app on each and every
one of them to manage updates? Doesn't sound like the Linux I know!
You can't run a GUI on a headless server. That's the whole point of it
being headless. You can run X clients on the server and remotely
display that on a workstation (i.e. something _with_ a head)
I thought it was obvious that was what I was referring to, but clearly

Even that makes no sense to me in most cases, certainly not in the case
of multiple Banana Pi and a desktop that seems to run Wayland. Hence I
am suggesting that Gene is going in completely the wrong direction here.


Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

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