poc...@homemail.com wrote:
>"Andrew M.A. Cater" <amaca...@einval.com> wrote:
>> As someone else has put it elsewhere in the thread: new laptop means
>> new drivers, potentially moving from legacy MBR to UEFI ... easier in
>> many ways to put a clean install of Debian on from new media to start
>> with (also wiping out whatever was there before if it came preinstalled
>> with Windows or whatever).
>None to little of that is relevant. The "drivers" are part of the kernel, it is
>not 1995 anymore.
>I go from MBR to GPT to UEFI all the time.
>Is it nice to think that debian still has the microsoft mindset?
>A "clean" install is not really required on a modern linux system.
>Linux is not microsoft windows.

No, it's not. But there are several ways to go here. For a
non-techinical user it's likely to be easier for them to understand a
new installation and copying data. You or I might move data around
systems with confidence, but not everybody is in the same boat.

>When people state the above it really just shows they don't understand Linux.

There's no need to be rude here. :-(

>> > > I'm fairly sure this was brought up just about at the end of last month.
>> >
>> > It depends upon if you created a partition table, partitions and 
>> > filesystems
>on the drive.
>> >
>> > I create the drive layout on the drive then rsync the old drive to the new 
>> > drive.
>> > Then I fixup the PARTUUID in the /etc/fstab and boot loader.
>> > If I am using Archlinux or my own custom build os I have a blank /etc/fstab
>and /etc/hosts
>> >
>> There's more than one way to do it: if you absolutely know what partition
>> sizes you want, maybe - LVM and one partition is a fairly sensible starting
>> point because partitions will grow and shrink, for example.
>Nonsense, using/building distributions and running Linux since 1995, partitions
>don't grow and shrink.

But filesystems and their storage needs may, however.

<irrelevant stuff snipped>

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky,
Tongue-tied & twisted, Just an earth-bound misfit, I...

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