On Monday 21 October 2024 07:47:39 am Darac Marjal wrote:
> On 20/10/2024 18:51, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
> > I have here an Ancel BA101 battery tester,  discovered by way of a YT 
> > video,  and it's proved to be a handy gadget to have.  In the "user manual" 
> > for this device (available online) it talks about the ability to print the 
> > data.  Which requires you to connect it to a computer by way of a USB cable 
> > plugged into the tester's USB port.  The documentation further refers to 
> > inserting a CD into the computer (it didn't come with any CD),  making sure 
> > a driver was installed,  then "open the print software" and select the 
> > appropriate COM port.
> >
> > I'm pretty sure that I don't need to install a driver,  since I can connect 
> > all sorts of USB stuff to this computer with no problems.  I'm not sure 
> > what print software they refer to here --  the illustration seems to refer 
> > to "PrintCOM v1.50421" which appears to have print, clear,  and COM port 
> > selection options but also appears to be some kind of windoze software.
> >
> > How would I address accessing this device under linux and getting its info 
> > out to my printer?
> COM ports are serial ports and are a very basic method of communication. 
> Linux supports COM ports (the ports themselves) really well. 

Having had to configure modems and such back when,  I understand this...

> You can  use, say, minicom or screen to communicate with a device on the COM 
> port. 

For some reason neither of those seems to be installed on this machine.

> However, there are a number of challenges to overcome before  
> you'll be able to use the tester.
> Firstly, the parameters of the communication are rather complex (what 
> speed, do you need parity bits / stop bits, who controls the flow of 
> data). 

Been there,  done that.

> If you can find this information, you can tell the computer how  
> to communicate with the other device. As a start, though, you can try 
> "9600 8n1" (9600 bits per second, 8 bits per byte, NO parity, 1 stop 
> bit) as this is the most common setting.

Yup.  Or sometimes faster.
> Next, you need to find out what data to send/receive over the port. If 
> you're lucky, the device will be really simple and will just print 
> battery results in plain text when you communicate. But if you're 
> unlucky, you'll need to send it commands to tell it to do things. This 
> communication protocol could be plain text, there could be a menu, it 
> could be binary.. there are even some protocols (APC UPSes, I'm looking 
> at you) which just consist of sending a single character to activate a 
> function - if you happen to send the wrong character, something untoward 
> might happen (in this case, turning off the UPS).

Connecting the device with a USB cable I see it wake up,  at which point 
there's a menu on its screen.  One selection there is to print,  so I'm 
guessing that it might be that simple.  What I need is to somehow redirect 
what's coming from the device to where I can use it.
> As another poster advised, only Ancel /really/ know the right way to use 
> their device.
Contacting them involved setting up an account,  a bit cumbersome.  I haven't 
seen any reply yet.

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ablest -- form of life in this section of space,  a critter that can
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