* basti <mailingl...@unix-solution.de> [24-10/04=Fri 13:54 +0200]:
> Am 04.10.24 um 04:57 schrieb Will Mengarini:
>> I have a freshly installed Debian stable and I'm trying to read an
>> HDD from a previous machine.  I put it into a disk enclosure that
>> connects to the new machine by USB and powered everything up, but the
>> stable Debian doesn't see the new disk that is connected by USB.  Is
>> there some driver or package that I need to install to make this work?

> Can you see the enclosure in the output of `lsusb`?


> What is the output of `lsblk`?

It shows my SSD but nothing else.

> What's the filesystem you expect to see?  If there's a RAID
> or LVM on that device, then you should start this first.

There's no RAID.  I was not sure that I could
boot from an LVM partition, so I did not use LVM.

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