* Hans <hans.ullr...@loop.de> [24-10/04=Fri 10:24 +0200]:
> Am Freitag, 4. Oktober 2024, 04:57:19 CEST schrieb Will Mengarini:
>> I have a freshly installed Debian stable and I'm trying to read an
>> HDD from a previous machine.  I put it into a disk enclosure that
>> connects to the new machine by USB and powered everything up, but the
>> stable Debian doesn't see the new disk that is connected by USB.  Is
>> there some driver or package that I need to install to make this work?
> You say, it is connected by USB.  You then
> should see the device with the command
> lsusb
> when the usb-connector is plugged in.  However,
> I have to be precise: You see the controller of
> the case you put your HDD in, not the HDD itself!
> But, if you can see it, first step is done.

I cannot see it.

> For further examinations I suggest, to do the following commmand as root
> tail -f /var/log/syslog
> in console and then watch its output by plugging in and plugging off the USB
> case with the built in HDD.

A freshly installed Debian stable does not
have /var/log/{syslog,messages}, but I have
been using `journalctl -f` for the same thing.

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