Am 01.08.2024 um 17:33 schrieb Richard Owlett:
> In the phrase "to boot the installer using grub stanza (or manually)",
> just what does "(or manually)" refer to?

I am using all of the options listed below depending on circumstances.
If you are clear about using your hd to store an installer iso, and you
are able to boot grub2, there are several choices:

1. use grub commandline (pressing c during grub menu) and enter all the
commands by hand. (possible to ask grub questions interactively,
autocomplete filemanes, aso, but needs some familiarity with its language)

2. compose the stanza manually (using the internet and your own knowing)
and introduce it temporarily into /boot/grub/grub.cfg (where it will be
overwritten by update-grub some day)

3 permanently teach grub to add the stanza, which may even be
dynamically coded, if you want, by creating/modifying a file in
/etc/grub.d (but who wants to install several times on the same
machine?). I did permanantly add a live iso for emergency booting a
whacky system.

manually refers to 1.
was that clear enough for you?
i would expect to use 32bit installer and image files, but it is
necessary to be certain about the partitioning format (gpt or mbr) in
order to give grub the correct hints.

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