On 23/07/2024 19:20, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
A bit off-topic question. In what wiki page you would expect to find
suggestions to inspect ~/.xsession-errors file and journalctl output?

I pasted ".xsession-errors" into the "Search:" field at the upper right
corner of any Debian wiki page and clicked the "Text" button.

Sorry, I was not clear. I had in mind some moment before you learned that errors may appear in ~/.xsession-errors, so you could not use it as a keyword in search queries. It is not uncommon on this mailing list when users, asking for help, have no idea where error messages may be found. I am curious if they will have a chance to discover debugging recipes if they are documented.

The only helpful match is


I assume it is
and certainly it lacks details how to obtain error messages. Perhaps links to similar pages from other distributions may become an improvement.

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